Monday, May 27, 2019

Capital E

2 weeks ago we went to Wellington and in that time we went to a place called Capital E. While we were there we made some loops and my one had drum and bass guitar and sound effects.  I found it challenging to find the right music to put together so it sounded good.  I found listening to music fun.

Here's a Link to my Music!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Composting roleplay

Walt, we made this to start more people composting better and less people littering and putting resources that don't breakdown into compost for the environment.
This is my group roleplay that we made about composting, it shows all the rubbish that people have put in our school composting bin. I enjoyed doing the roleplay because it was fun and the mistakes we made were quite funny and sort of embarrassing. Nothing was really challenging this time because my job was to record.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Wellington camp 2019

H20 was Awesome. As I was in the lazy river trying to grip onto the side of the wall successfully. Doing it but then getting shoved by a random kid which got me stuck in a hoard of kids then we went on the bus back to our cabins to sleep for the next day.