Thursday, November 18, 2021

guess the book with 5 clues

 clue number 1 They love to eat pizza

clue number 2 There is 4 of them

clue number 3 They live in a sewer

clue number 4 They are all brothers

Type what you think the book is in the comments and f you know the book guess the author too.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

One of the things I have been doing in lockdown

This lockdown I and my brother have been learning new tricks on the tramp from landing backflips to doing insane dunks on our basketball hoop on the tramp. before lockdown, my brother couldn't even dunk on the hoop and now he can do pretty cool dunks.

Thursday, June 10, 2021


 Hi so lately I have been reading a novel off Holes which is a wonderful book any way I made a poster about it and I wrote the plot, setting, and theme. 

Monday, May 31, 2021

Dixon house visit


When we first got there I was really nervous but by the end and I was comfortable and happy for them and me.


I loved making them smile and hearing about their amazing stories they talked about from their past.


I learned that you shouldn't be scared of someone who you might not know or if they can't speak or have anything like that.


On Tuesday my class and I went to Dixon house for a visit. We left at 12: 30 pm on a bus. The bus looked really cool because it was a small bus just to fit my class in. On the bus, everyone was really loud talking but that's what every class has to do on a bus be loud. Anyway, the bus stopped and one by one everyone got off the bus.

 Our teacher told everyone to stay behind her and follow her. We could see Dixon house. There were a lot of old people there but what else would I expect from a retirement home for old people. There was a lady waiting outside for us. She told us what's happening and also said we will have food here. Well, that's all my ears listened to. She opened the door and we walked inside excitedly holding our books we were going to read.

It smelled pretty bad down the hallway. I don't know why but the smell disappeared after a minute or two. We introduced ourselves and went to random complete strangers we have never even seen before and we read books to them. It was pretty scary at first but after I got used to it and I kept reading and talking to new people it was really cool.

 After about an hour of that everyone sat down, had some sweets and juice, and just chilled but then it was time to go back to school everyone said bye and we left but the good thing was we got a chocolate bar on the way out. But still, I would have rathered to stay there But I am so happy we went there because of all the smiles I got to see because of us and I'm always going to remember them

Monday, May 24, 2021

Kieran reid information report

 Hi everyone today I have made an information report on Kieran Reid which is an All Black rugby player I hope you like this post and tells you something about him that you didn't know. And if you see anything I could make better please comment and tell me that would be the best.Thanks

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

ANZAC's WORLD WAR 1 Slide show

 Hi, guys today I made a slideshow of the ANZACS journey with pictures of World war 1 We are doing this because it's around the time for ANZAC and my class is doing that for our subject. If you look at my blog there is a lot more post on ANZAC if you are interested in that. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Morse code ANZAC

 -.. .. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / - .... .- - / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .-- .- ... / ..- ... . -.. / -... -.-- / -... --- .- - ... / - --- / - . .-.. .-.. / ... --- .-.. -.. .. . .-. ... / .. -. ..-. --- .-. -- .- - .. --- -.

You might be confused about what is above but it actually translates in mores code YOU KNOW THAT MORSE CODE WAS USED BY BOATS TO TELL SOLDIERS INFORMATION. That's what that gibberish says up there it was really helpful back then because you couldn't just yell out what you're trying to say that.